I think it is very important for a leader to show appreciation towards their workers. It creates a healthy work environment and shows the employee(s) that they are valued. In today’s culture, we do not do this often. We are so quick to have a list of expectations and a strict timetable to achieve them. What if we just stopped and slowed down? For the average person, sometimes myself, that can be difficult to do.
I felt led to write this post about work. This is not for a specific career or job but just in general. For everyone. We all get tired. However, when you feel defeated at work and not valued, I believe it is important to go back and assess the reason and purpose of your actions. Why did you select the career/job, position in the first place? When we can evaluate ourselves and remove others from the equation, it can be very helpful and eye-opening.
When I was working, it was a highly stressed, face paced career. The workload was painful. There were many times, I wanted to move to a different position but when I stepped back and realized why I did what I did, it checked me. I was not doing it for myself, I was doing my job to improve the community and safety/wellbeing of others.
When you feel like quitting on anything, I think it is best to be in prayer. I also think you should go back to God’s word and read, Colossians 3:23-24, NKJV, “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ”. If we could just stop and take a moment to look at the purpose.
This does not just apply to “work”, it can apply to anything that could be burning you out. Maybe you are in ministry and just feel like giving up. Or just took on a new assignment at work or home? No matter what, you are not working for anyone but the Lord.
When I was in the workforce, I held on to this verse. When I resigned, I still hold on to this verse, as a stay-at-home mother. When I began BibleandCake, I wanted to share all about Jesus and how He has saved me by grace. Sometimes, I feel like I should stop blogging because of various reasons, but I know it is all for the Lord. My husband tells me often, even if it is one person who reads and desires to know about Jesus, you did it for Him. You cannot quit.
I pray that you always go back to Jesus and ask Him His will and that it will be done.