What is marriage? How to not get the definition from this world?
Image Credit: PixabayPsalm 119:105, KJV, ” Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path”.
What is Marriage?
How often do we hear this today? The Bible has one definition and society has another definition. You could walk down the street and conduct your poll and will receive various, misconstrued definitions of MARRIAGE. What happened to going to the Bible? Just picking up the BIBLE for EVERYTHING? Nowadays people will respond to what they think the person wants to hear rather than the truth. You don’t want to OFFEND anyone? You do not want to “get into an argument”. You wanna be inclusive and kind because lying is the easiest to do. No. Telling the truth, and integrity with kindness is the best and loving thing to do. Marriage is instituted by God (Genesis 2:18-24). God created man and woman and brought them together (Adam and Eve). Today, the meaning and definition of marriage are controversial. However, the Bible advises and clearly defines marriage is between a man and woman only.
Protecting your marriage…
I talk about this a lot but praying for your spouse daily and continually is so important. Not only praying but talking and having a relationship with your spouse will do wonders! You may be thinking “A relationship?”…Yes! Often, couples neglect each other after the “honeymoon” phase is over. Or when the family grows with babies and pets and more responsibilities. Protect and guard your marriage by being intentional. You cannot be LAZY in this category. Check out this post: https://bibleandcake.com/how-to-have-a-strong-marriage-that-will-last/
How to NOT get caught up in the world and stay grounded….
So the question is… How do we live in a broken, dark, and fallen world without getting caught up in it and living for it? How can we be set apart and HOLY? The Bible says, ” How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your word”. Psalm 119:9, NKJV. Therefore, look to God’s word daily and be obedient to it. We cannot just read and do our own thing. When we seek( a personal relationship with Jesus) we will grow in Him and with him, allowing the Holy Spirit to work in us. When we allow the word to get into our hearts, minds, and souls it will change us( sanctification). This is why you and I must be reading God’s word daily and looking to the Bible for the answers and not Joe Hickenburgers off the news or some political clown. God first. He has to be NUMBER ONE.
“For you are a holy people to the Lord your God, and the Lord has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples who are on the face of the earth”. Deuteronomy 14:2, NKJV.
Holy: consecrated or set aside for sacred use(as opposed to pagan or common use) standing apart from sin and evil, characteristic of God. (Definition from the Holy Bible Dictionary/Concordance).
Key word: SET APART. We should NOT be of this world. You and I should have beliefs, morals and values that are based on biblical truth NOT society. We will get backlash on this. Some of you may not like this post. However, it is imperative to speak the truth UNAPOLOGETICALLY with love and kindness.
Marriage should be a priority of yours if you are married. If you are single, continue to seek the Lord in PURITY. No matter what God should be first in ALL things.
How to NOT get twisted and led in the wrong direction…
How to NOT get your definitions and/or meanings, beliefs from society or untrue material….. STOP listening to the NEWS. FAKE NEWS. STAY in the BIBLE. I say this a lot and won’t stop. Pick up the BIBLE. DO NOT believe everything on YOUTUBE. Get planted in a BIBLE TEACHING CHURCH. Yes, BIBLE TEACHING. However, you will be blinded and led astray if you are NOT reading your Bible. There are FALSE TEACHERS out here… a lot more now than ever. If you do not read for yourself you will not know when it is false, lies, changed, twisted, and watered down…church should not be “entertaining” and “tickling your ears”.
Stand firm and stand for the truth. Please be sure to check out any of the blogs you may have missed. You are less likely to miss a post if you subscribe!!!!! Follow me on social media! Thanks for being here!!!!
Image Credit: BibleandCake ( On my way to marry my husband)