It is a Monday evening. Babies are down. Sound machines are running in the background. I realize that 2023 is coming to an end. BibleandCake is still here. It may not be what I think it should be YET I have to trust God in all things, including this assignment of writing and sharing what is on my heart and mind. I want to show and share that you too can have a personal relationship with the one True God, Jesus Christ. He is my Lord and Savior and I hope and pray that if you are reading this and have not given your life over to Christ, you make that decision. Click the link to learn how: https://bibleandcake.com/category/inviting-jesus-into-your-life/
The PURPOSE of this blog is to share and hope that what I write will get you thinking and yearning for Jesus. I pray you will seek to have the Lord Jesus at the center of your MARRIAGE and FAMILY. This is why BibleandCake is here. He is so faithful, true, and alive. You do not need to perfect. He is perfect. I hope that those of you who may “be followers of Jesus” who are NOT living a godly life will have a changed heart quickly and surrender and seek the Lord Jesus.
We have to make the decision. We have to be held accountable and responsible for our own choices and actions. You have to pick up the Bible, read, pray, and seek GODLY counsel. You cannot have BOTH WORLDS. You cannot. In the Bible, it CLEARLY states in Revelation 3:16(NKJV)- “So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth”.
It’s like a lukewarm beverage. A shower, lukewarm water coming from the shower head. Lukewarm. Think about that. Do you want your walk, your life, YOU to be known as LUKEWARM?
You cannot answer this question honestly unless you remove all the PRIDE, and selfishness and complete a self-check. You can read my past post that hit this more in-depth here: https://bibleandcake.com/a-lukewarm-relationship-with-jesus/
I hope and pray you will change your habits, thoughts and lifestyle PERMANENTLY and NOT JUST FOR THE BEGINING OF THE NEW YEAR:
What are your plans? Have you stopped to ask and think? Do you make plans and hope God will bless them? Do you ask for people’s advice when you know they DO NOT align with your views and morals? It is time to stop and reflect on how we can improve by looking to the Lord and seeking what He has for us. The NEW YEAR is notorious for the resolutions that are NOT KEPT. The goals that don’t get reached. What if we sought the Lord, sat in HIS PRESENCE, REPENTED, and went the other way? What if you let God lead in your life? I can guarantee you it will be different and much better.

I want to thank those who have taken the time to READ, comment, email, text, call, subscribe, follow, pray, and support Bible and Cake. I am praying for wisdom and guidance on how the Lord wants to continue to use this blog. I hope, TRULY that whatever I write is a blessing to you, your marriage, motherhood, and your walk with Christ. I hope you desire to pick up your Bible and read more. I pray you will find a BIBLE-TEACHING Church and get planted. Find a ministry to get plugged into, join a small group, and make new friends with the same biblical views and values in Jesus Christ.
What is your ministry? Take it seriously. Make it a priority.
If you are a MOTHER: I hope you will know how much you are valued and that being a mother is not just a title, it is a blessing and you are in ministry just as a WIFE is. MINISTRY. What we are called to do should not be taken lightly and as I can relate, it is the hardest job to have. There will always be people who will smirk and be jealous. You have to remember that those people, whether family, so-called friends and/or coworkers, neighbors, or just women & men are just people. Sometimes certain people need to be removed. There is a season for everything. Purging is not just good for the home but also for relationships. I’ve continued to learn that I should always be mindful, wise, and aware of my surroundings and who is apart of my life. Influences are very imperative to be aware of. God willing, in the NEW YEAR, you can be around those who love the Lord more and LIVE IT OUT IN THE DAILY WALK.
As I wrap up blogging for the year and prepare to spend more time with the Lord and family, I want to leave this with you. As I comfort my 4-year-old who does not feel well. As I prepare dinner with my 2-year-old on my hip. As I get ready to hit PUBLISH but stop several times to remind my loving crew of a few more things, I want to leave you with this:
Spend time with the Lord Jesus. Everyday.
Evaluate the people you let in your life. Your circle.
Pray and read the Bible. It will change you, and draw you near to Christ.
Remove the garbage and useless activities that do not grow you or build you up, get away from the impure, ungodly activities and behavior (entertainment, social media, articles, podcasts, movies, shows, music, websites, etc).
Surround yourself with Godly, mature, grounded people.
Be intentional in your Marriage and Motherhood. Enjoy it.
Honor your time with Jesus. Do not go through the motions. Do not just attend church or read the verse because it makes you feel good or you can say you did it. That is NOT relationship.
Honor your time with your husband. Yes, this goes BOTH ways. I pray you can cover your husband in prayer so that he will have the same heart and intentions to do the same for you. We need to be consistently praying for our husbands. There is a spiritual BATTLE. The enemy is attacking our marriages. The separation and divorce rates have skyrocketed.
Pray for breakthroughs…..
The blessing is I get to know many other bloggers who are in the same or similar niches. Reading and hearing from others and gathering support is essential in this field. Hearing from other women and the things on their hearts as mothers goes to show that we cannot do this alone. We need the Lord Jesus and we need to be praying for our marriages and homes. If you ever have a feeling that you are “PRAYING TOO MUCH” or “NEED TO TAKE A BREAK” OR “IT’S OKAY TO NOT FOCUS ON THIS FOR A LITTLE”. BEWARE, that is the ENEMY. STAY in PRAYER. FERVENTLY and EXPECTING GOD to work.
So much EVIL is infiltrating our homes and marriages, and affecting our children including Adultery(pornography which includes “friendly glances” at trashy pictures and websites), Lust, anger, greed, pride, and impurity in hearts, thoughts, and actions. BE PRAYING, BE DILIGENT. Be sure to check out these posts for a detailed description: https://bibleandcake.com/how-to-have-a-strong-marriage-that-will-last/ AND https://bibleandcake.com/when-you-do-not-desire-the-same-things/

ROMANS 13:14, NKJV, “But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts”.
I want to conclude with this: In 2023, I hope you have repented and turned away from anything that is an idol or smothering your delicate time as a follower of Jesus, wife, and mother( put your title in here). I hope you can see and understand that Jesus wants you. It matters what we do here. Do not make excuses. Satan wants that. Make a STANCE for BIBLE and TRUTH. WE NEED TO PART WAYS WITH THIS WORLD and not just some things but ALL things.
Thank you for being here! Lord willing I will meet you again on this website in 2024!!!!

- What is the foundation? The question that I ask often.
- They do not like me.
- How to raise a young lady in this ungodly culture:
- Race, our children, and the heart.
- Honestly, most people do not want to hear it. Maybe that’s how it should be….