The daily calls of life.
If you read my posts you will know I am one busy person. I am a wife and mother and my family is my priority. The daily calls of life are expectant because it is our duty to be all we can be for what God has given us. I cannot say this too much, but I am thankful to be a wife and mother. I would not want to go back and do it differently especially if these roles were dismissed.
Everything seems to pull me in various directions. The calendar has many things that we need to complete. The essential duties, the family outings, and the dedication to school. Sometimes as a mother, you want to stop and stay frozen for more than a second.
By an unknown author, ” It does not matter what others are doing. It matters what you are doing”.
Take that in for a moment. Let it sink. Do not worry about anyone else. Not the other mother. Not the “trophy wife”. Not the neighbor. But what are you doing as a wife and mother? If you are reading and/or following me, and not a mother or wife- fit YOUR TITLE here. Add your role. We get so caught up in comparing and coveting that we dismiss our God-given tasks and that is when we and our family can suffer.
There is no way around it.
I often reflect on God’s word. Scripture daily. I need Jesus.
I did the life without the Lord. It wasn’t fun. It got old very fast. Too exhausting and very empty. However, sometimes easier.
As I go about my “busy days”, there is time with my Lord. Waking up and meeting with him first is imperative to me. I want to hear from him. I want to know what is on his heart and how I can be apart of his plans.
We often get so caught up in how our quiet time needs to look. If we focus on the quality of it we will reap the benefits that are oh so needed in our life.
I am busy and I am sure you are too. I often hear of people neglecting their time with the Lord. So many Pastors say, “We all have the same time it is just how we distribute that time”…something; like that right???? But this is so true. We do. How do we manage our time? We all have the same hours. We all need to sleep. I get it. But what if we just “fit” God in? Squeeze him in the life he gave you.
Praying, reading the scriptures, memorizing verses in the Bible, studying a verse, or chapter, and the creative list can go on and on. We can do all of this but if we cannot put it into practice and live it out what is the point?
This is a spiritual battle. Discipline. Consistency. Satan does not want you to stop and sit with God. He wants to keep you busy and occupied.
I cannot be too busy for God. I cannot miss the importance and feel empty at the end of the day. I pray this is the same for you.