If you are married, you understand the work and dedication to which we as wives are called. To be a wife is an honor and I take it very seriously. It is a lot of work but when you work hard you see the fruit in the end!

Here are a few ways you can be a better, godly wife when you feel like you are lacking:
- Always go back to what God’s word says about our roles. There is so much out on social media, in random books, and on the internet about marriage, wives, and husbands. However, dig into what God says. Very simple. Bible.
- Pray. Always be praying. Not just for your marriage, and family but for yourself too. This is a great time to ask the Lord to show you how to be a better helpmate.
- Date. It is imperative to always date your spouse. You do not have to spend a lot of money to make it special. My husband and I spend quality time with each other weekly. We don’t always have a caretaker but we have different, creative ways to give each other undivided attention. This could be just to talk and laugh( we do this every day) or a movie night, dinner, walks, etc.
- Self-care. I find this one very important. When you care for yourself you will feel better and be better. As a wife and mother, everyone naturally comes before you. I get that! However, when you take some time for yourself, it will keep you refreshed. Again, you don’t need a lot of money to do this. It does take time to carve out, especially when you have a family. So I encourage you to make it a priority because you as a person matter too.
- Studying God’s Word. Be in the Word daily. This will refresh and renew your mind and soul. This will keep you grounded. When you are grounded, prayed up, and close to the Lord it will definitely help become a better spouse.
- Be still. This can be hard however it is not impossible. Stay close to the Lord and trust Him. He knows best. Sometimes we just have to be quiet and patient and understand that God is God.
- Work as a team with your husband. Communicate and trust your husband. If you have issues with this, it is something to definitely work on as soon as possible. Trust is key.
- Laugh. Sometimes you just have to stop and laugh. My husband and I are laughing every day. Now not every day is “perfect for us” but we try to find humor in much of our day. Whether it’s laughing with our children or the “inside jokes” my husband and I have, you would observe us laughing daily.
I hope these suggestions are a blessing to you. Ask the Lord to show you how to be better a wife. How to be a better mother. Sometimes we just have to stop and slow down. Spend time with God and our hubby!

[…] previous posts on CODEPENDENCY and MARRIAGE https://bibleandcake.com/i-am-not-codependent/ and https://bibleandcake.com/to-all-the-wives-out-there/) illustrate different ways I have not said no( in unhealthy relationships). Additionally, my […]