Parents, we have all been there! Your children do not listen to you! They are throwing tantrums or just being disobedient! It is hard but it will pass! Here are a few things that work for me!
- Change the tone of your voice. This can be hard for a frustrating, annoyed, tired mama or daddy. Yelling will usually make things worst. Try to lower your voice.
- Give a warning before any change. This helps minimize the tantrum or ” 5 more minutes mommy, no I am not done”. I will usually tell Cupcake(5 years old) and Cake(3 years old) that we will “clean up in 10 minutes” or “take potty breaks in 5 minutes”. It is very hard for a child to stop playing and do something. Much easier to warn them. I have found that this improves their listening.
- When a child is not listening get on their eye level so they can feel heard. This also helps show that you care and hear them.
- Breaks or calming areas are great to have. When my little ones are not listening I will suggest a break. Depending on the situation, I will either have them take a break in their bedroom or they can sit quietly on the stairs or couch. After the break, we will readdress their listening skills. This has worked very well for us.
Every child is different. I have asked the Lord to guide me in being a mother. I ask God to help me be the best He has called me to be. I am not perfect and will fail at times but I know I have God’s Word and an amazing Godly husband who is by far the BEST daddy our children could have! It makes all the difference to raise our babies while on the same page. All the above takes patience and lots of love! Children will not always listen but that is why they have parents. We need to teach them and love them!
Proverbs 22:6, NKJV “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart”. from it”.