Hi there! So I have been asked often, “how is it to have 3 young children so close in age?” It has its pros and cons! I love that my children are close because it seems that they bond easier in my opinion. Also it helps that as I go through different transitions, I can easily retain how I did it with the last kiddo!
It was very easy for me to go from having Cupcake and Cake to having Cakepop! He is turning one next week and is so great! I have been told, “he has no choice” haha! But the truth is, our 3rd baby has been so chill and easy going that it has made the transition from going to 2-3 children pretty easy! Cakepop is very calm! he has so much personality it is a joy to hang with him and his siblings! He makes me laugh all the time and barely cries! So I would say it has been a win!
Some of the struggles I have faced are the following:
Cakepop is exclusively breastfed and since I have been a Stay at home mom(SAHM) since the beginning of this year, he refuses to take a bottle. When my husband and I travel, it has been stressful to get him to eat! So Sorry for Nana and my sister who takes care of him and his brother and sister when we are away!
In the beginning, it was hard to get out with all three. Now I have figured it out and it is pretty easy. I think it is best to just practice! You will find what works! I do not wear many baby carriers when I am out. I like to use the stroller because his siblings stay right next to it( helps with not wandering off and our walks that we do often). They also like to push him!
As I mentioned with schedules, I have figured out the bedtime routine in the last year. I put #3 down for bed first. I give the other two their baths after school so that helps to check that off “the list”.
Overall, I would say you find out what works! You find out what is best and what needs to go!
If you are pondering whether to expand your family, three is such a blessing and has been great for us!!!!
Please check out my recent posts! https://bibleandcake.com/having-a-baby-going-from-0-1/ AND https://bibleandcake.com/how-to-adapt-to-a-growing-family-going-from-1-2-children/