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It is so important to have a strong foundation in your home. Our family is built on what the bible says and we strive to implement godly values, views, and morals in our marriage, decisions, and child-rearing. I have been asked how a “Christian home” look or what you find important when raising a family. How do you picture your home?
Here are a few imperative points I find in a Godly household…
- Jesus is at the CENTER of the home.
- Worship is present individually and as a family. My husband and I play worship music all day, every day. Our children are immersed in hearing God’s Word and they have learned to Praise the Lord. They understand what this is about and desire to Praise Jesus. We have made an effort to teach them that this is to bring Glory to our Father and that it should be a part of our walk as believers in Jesus Christ!
- Daily personal bible reading for you and your spouse. To have a relationship with someone you need to know them. I want to know about God and His character and His love for me. I read daily and encourage you to start reading. If you need to get back on track start in Psalms or Proverbs. You can read a chapter a day and/or a verse and journal about it. There are so many different ways to study the bible so look up what will work best for you and make it a PRIORITY. Eating and drinking are a priority so should daily bible reading and worship if you are a follower of Jesus.
- Daily bible reading to your children. We have a bedtime routine for each one of our children. They can pick two books each and one of those needs to be God’s word. It is something we have practiced since day 1 with our children. They enjoy and lead in prayer when we began our bedtime routine. Again, this is what my husband and I find important for our family. There are different ways you can incorporate studying the bible with your children. I know some people who read at the dinner table or have a bible study after school. Anything could work!
- Church ATTENDANCE. It is so important to be planted in a home church. The Bible says to not neglect meeting/fellowship. With Covid and even before the pandemic people have become lazy and stay home. Get up and go to church and be around other believers. If you are not planted in a church make the effort to find a BIBLE TEACHING church and GO. Hebrews 10:24-25, NKJV, “And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching” .
- Praying together. My husband and I make it a priority to pray together weekly. We are not always on top of this but we pick one day a week and we will come together to pray. It is so important and we hope to do it more weekly. It is such a blessing and amazing to hear the things in each other’s hearts. Matthew 18:20 NKJV, “For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” I would also say praying with children is important. Children model what trusted adults do.

I hope and pray this is a list that will help you and your family. These are just a few things that should illustrate a home that trusts and believes in Jesus Christ.