When people see the word SUBMIT they get very uncomfortable, begin to think negative things, and want to avoid the meaning altogether. When I first began to UNDERSTAND what submission truly meant I was in a Preparation for Marriage class with my fiance, now husband. We studied this for a while and I begin toRead More
Archives for September 2022
“My way or the highway”: When we make plans but God’s plans are better.
I am a planner by nature. We have a set schedule for most of the week. With younger children, I like to have an idea of how our weekends will go, birthday parties, walking adventures, play dates, or just a day at home to relax and play in the playroom. Either way, I naturally haveRead More
How to say No to avoid becoming overwhelmed and stressed: Sometimes you have to say NO.
We live in a world where it is “go, go, go, go “…. nonstop! Sometimes we do this to ourselves and sometimes it is due to the circumstances around us. As a busy mama and wife, these days I am NOT afraid to say NO. It can be hard because you do not want toRead More
“When you feel like quitting…”
I think it is very important for a leader to show appreciation towards their workers. It creates a healthy work environment and shows the employee(s) that they are valued. In today’s culture, we do not do this often. We are so quick to have a list of expectations and a strict timetable to achieve them.Read More