Hi there! So I have been asked often, “how is it to have 3 young children so close in age?” It has its pros and cons! I love that my children are close because it seems that they bond easier in my opinion. Also it helps that as I go through different transitions, I canRead More
Archives for August 2022
How to adapt to a growing family: Going from 1-2 children
Our daughter was born in 2019. She and our son are approximately 26 months apart. This WAS NOT planned. None of our pregnancies were “planned”. We were very adamant that we did not want to stress the “conceiving process” or “trying” to have children. My husband and I agreed that if God wanted us toRead More
Preparing for a baby-“Going from 0-1”
When we found out we were expecting our first it was so exciting! When I was pregnant with my first child, the pregnancy symptoms hit me pretty hard. I felt like my body was in “shock” with all the hormonal changes. After meeting with my OBGYN, she advised that this was normal for me andRead More
Codependency: I am NOT codependent.
*Disclaimer- All views, writings, and opinions belong to this blog. I am not a physician. If you need medical or mental health advice seek a professional, medical doctor. If you or anyone you know is struggling with an addiction, or mental health, seek a doctor.* Several years ago, I was sitting in a course forRead More